Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Long Wait After Drinking Taking Ambien

Civil War Quilt: 5th Block!

yesterday so there was the 5th Block: Kansas Troubles ! And "Troubles" is the correct name for it ......

..... for only the second attempt I managed to some extent, but I'll probably have to buy one-inch ruler! When converting from inches to centimeters result probably still some differences .....

Fake Braces For Sale'

Euroweb meets customer reference before the Supreme Court

Almost exactly a year ago that the company Euroweb the Federal Court called, to allow the type of contract their Internet system contracts require the superior court.

Contrary to what the law firm of Berger, which Euroweb Group represents, the Euroweb treaties by the Senate is not classified as a type of mixed service and rental contracts, but as work contracts and only the advance payment obligation has been approved in certain limits.

to negotiation:

Last Thursday, the found 27.1.2011, the hearing before the Civil Division of the Supreme Court VII with the active participation of reference customers of Euroweb Group and its lawyers, as well as the television instead. Some members of the firm Berger attended the truth.

The chairman of the Senate, opened the hearing and gave an outline of the case before it is closer to the issues raised was received. An Internet system contract with a term of 3 years was closed, created a website of Euroweb and about half a year has been allocated in www. The buyer terminated the contract pursuant to § 649 BGB and the LG Dusseldorf, as an appellate court upheld that dismissal, while directed the revision of the company Euroweb.

The Chairman further stated, was to clarify the effectiveness of the termination, or if the termination right effective under § 649 BGB could be excluded, is also on the payroll in accordance with § 649 BGB, sentence 2 to speak and here especially as the fees for services rendered or saved calculation basis.

The Chairman presented explicitly that in the opinion of the Senate, there had been a contract for work and § 649 BGB is generally applicable. The lawyer at the Supreme Court Dr. Nasall argued for the company Euroweb, referring in his remarks to the particular configuration of the Internet system Treaty, which it as a continuing obligation with a fixed maturity, and not be appearing as a classic contract for work. If it were an ordinary right of termination, which is in § 2 of the GTC (termination for cause) effectively waived.

A disadvantage of the customer is not present because Euroweb would yield the most benefits at the beginning of the contract and then distributes the investment costs over several years will be charged.

On the direct question of the Senate chairman, after convincing reasons why should be departed from the statutory scheme of § 649 BGB in the Internet system contracts could also teach Dr. Nasall no specific arguments.

Interestingly, from Dr. Nasall: "Customers have been recruited as a reference customer, which is not in dispute." The chairman pleaded with the words "You should not underestimate our knowledge of the file" and quoted from the lower courts, any document (in spirit play) "It is denied that our client's products are advertised as a reference customer."

On the "customer reference page" replied Mr. lawyer at the Supreme Court Dr. Kummer short and concise. He argues that if it were a termination of a contract for work that could be imposed without notice and without time limit and the age-old legal concepts based, which became the basis of the Supreme Court. The purchaser has an interest in the work, and not the operator whose Interests by § 649 sentence 2 BGB are adequately protected. The free right of termination is therefore not excluded and should result in an exclusion, this was ineffective, given that the fundamental valuation of the legislature would not be. Dr. grief goes on, and the III. Senate had the time free opt not say anything, as Ballantine page. On the issue of computation under § 649 sentence 2 BGB refers to Mr. Kummer made by the company Euroweb distinction between purchase and system customers. As the provision of a different nature, this should not be estimated on the basis of calculation for customer purchase and conclusions for System customers are drawn. Dr. Kummer stressed that the essential services that are provided at the beginning now is the free website. The savings in expenses had not been presented adequately.
requested Dr. Kummer dismissed the appeal.

The hearing before the Federal Court was a very educational experience in terms of finding, which was understandable due to the Senate for non-lawyers.

Sources: blogigo and consumer

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How To Wax My Vigainafree Images

a look here and help with!

Hello dear Mitbloggerinnen and industrious seamstresses!

Check it once in double seam in the blog ...

I think it's so important to children a future and a perspective to offer! Eva's engagement and I think is so great that it should be supported in any case very strong!
So who else fabrics, yarns, ribbons or maybe
has an old sewing machine that still are not used anymore, but they can donate there!

dearest greetings

Friday, January 28, 2011

Diffrence Leave & License Lease Deed

Many many many thanks ....

..... for the award!

The love of Christa marvel has given me the award!

What a great joy for the weekend .... ! There he lay for a few days ready for pick up at Christa, and I have not realized as quickly

I would like to pass it to him:
as born in Hamburg, I liked your photos from the Hamburg Schanzenviertel so outstanding that it is easy to get this award!!

The rules for this award can be read here .

nice weekend to all

Monday, January 24, 2011

What Is The Best Brand For Iron Board

Romantic Isabella

After I already could admire so many beautiful Isabella in your blog, I've now also a romantic version of rural sewn. Fits this could not be missing a nice case for my schedule!

The next bag I'm going to cut evening ... . Laugh!

And the beautiful scarf that I still have a birthday later hand-knitted by my dear friend Kirsten! Since then I wear it constantly, he is soooo cuddly soft and warm!
again a thousand times thanks!

A beautiful creative weeks you all!

dearest greetings

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Much Restoril To Kill?

Grey meets

Mareen No. 3, has produced, from one of my favorite fabrics ...
long time he lay on the shelf until I now finally have touched!
combined with very simple pink jersey.

section: Mareen

it, then look I know that I have time to sew my first Isabella, cut it already!

weekend dearest greetings

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Recipes Calculator For Diabetics

pink unicorns ....

... are currently the favorite image you want ....
Anthonian I have now in Gr. 110/116 sewn, but by as much as 8cm extended
Mariella is so large, it will in February only 4 years old!

section: Antonia

And so slowly I am starting to make me even think about what we're playing this time at the birthday for Games what we do in creative things ... Last year I painted with the girls linen bags and aprons with fabric textile paints! It all was so much fun! With a friend she has just drawn the first strings of beads, falling from first words to us .... What have you already organized activities for girls birthdays? For ideas I would really grateful!

dearest greetings

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Getting Oxycodone In Costa Rica

The good old post .. Home Sweet Home

..... now has about 4-5 weeks needed to deliver my winnings to Minsk / Belarus!!
But you have arrived, and the greatest joy it is to me that Nelli has so nice! And this pleasure I just wanted to quickly share with you ...


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Digitalplayground Fly

After the cut-out letters were already here for some time, they have finally found your place on the new sofa cushions. And because the temperatures feel already so spring-like, were also a few flowers into place on the back!

sweetheart weekend greetings

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Handicap Priority To Toilet

Very belated New Year greetings

Take 12 months, wipe clean with envy, bitterness, greed, pedantry and dissect it in 30 or 31 parts, so that the supply for one years is sufficient. Every day is done separately from work and 2 parts 1 part joy and humor. Add in 3 tablespoons of optimism, 1 teaspoon of tolerance, a grain of irony and a pinch bar. Then the mass with much love is poured. The finished dish is adorned with bouquets of small attentions, and serve it every day with joy.

Katharina Elisabeth Goethe
mother JW Goethe
1731 - 1808

wish With nearly two weeks late, I all a healthy, happy, cheerful and carry on the creative year 2011!

I took advantage of the calm after the holidays, me just to share with a good book on the couch to relax .... So did just hardship but so slowly it starts to tingle again in the fingertips, the first projects are already as good as cut, and I will definitely be back soon to show what sewn.

have now, I contented myself with all the Christmas stuff again to stow away in boxes and cartons. So Each year I am again in the Christmas season to decorate everything nice, just as much as I am but then when everything disappears in boxes ... a breath of spring, thanks to hyacinths, tulips and daffodils runs through the apartment.

dearest greetings