Title: Tell me about the love
Author: Beate Teresa Hanika
Genre: Young Adult Literature (14 years)
Publisher: Fischer FJB (July 2010)
ISBN: 978-3-8414-2101-2
Hardcover, 160 pages
Price: 14,95 €
What remains of the dreams of a life of glamor and fame on the catwalks of the world if the modeling career is drawing to a close? It remains a vague yearning. For a place in life. For someone who is waiting for you. So it is with Leni, who was thrown together by their agency with Hannah and Kennedy in a shared apartment in Berlin. With jobs on
decadent parties, the three will be over water, and old photos of distant friends to rescue anchors. But is a return to her old life at all possible? And where love waits Leni?
the author:
Beate Hanika Teresa, born 1976 in Regensburg, is a photographer. From 1997 she worked as a model in various European cities. Many of her personal experiences are reflected in the novel. Today she lives with her family in a small town near Regensburg. Her first novel, "Little Red Riding Hood must cry" has won several awards.
Did I just left behind? Or have I lost myself in the many cities? Maybe it was the pictures that capture always a bit of soul on paper, and at some point is any of these things, just paper and paper and paper in hundreds of magazines, and files, and no one can return an even a piece of it. (Page 101)Review:
"Tell me about love" by Beate Teresa Hanika impressive to almost 160 pages describing the dark side of the business model. Protagonist is Leni, who lives with her two colleagues, Hannah and Kennedy in a shared apartment in Berlin. They considered themselves the party visits, organize more or less were dubious gentlemen, over water. Beautiful appearance is required, neither more nor less. Their careers actually intended as models for the catwalks of the world famous Milan, New York or Paris is not (yet) become nothing and age already gnawing at them.
At a glamorous party in Berlin, which hosted the rich Younes, Leni reflects her life. We learn in flashbacks from some of their childhood and youth, which she spent in a small village, carry on their parents a sheep, everyone knows everyone and Leni like this Kleinbürgermief easy escape only. She takes the first opportunity offered to her and went to Berlin, where she met Hannah and Kennedy, as well want to realize their dream as a model.
learns to know the said party Leni the male model Levi. Their perpetual search for love drives her in his arms and she dreams of a life together. But Leni is able to convert this dream into reality, or is this just like their target modeling career as a soap bubble burst and it must return to their hateful old lower middle class life, where she seems to be no more room?
Beate Hanika Teresa was able to convince me with her second novel after "Little Red Riding Hood must cry" is complete. Tell your talent that goes into many parts already in pure poetry, never too cheesy or superficial being is just admirable.
Leni looks authentic, her thoughts and her emotions are real, one suffers with it, is happy and fears with her. The various flashbacks to her former life give much information about themselves and are making them even more vivid and tangible. Nor can miteinfließen Beate Teresa Hanika their own experience of the Model Rules. It will not be described the bright side, but the tough business behind it. And that's what makes this story so believable.
The introduced love affair between Leni, who is constantly in search of warmth, security and love that as a child and youth from their parents has never properly experienced, and Levi, the young Bulgarians and the rich Boytoy Younes has, hopefully, giving the novel the necessary positivity between the drab and gray moments and experiences.
"Tell me about the love for me is a true must-read. A novel that makes you think with soft words and its message reverberates long time.
to design the book: The cover of the novel, unfortunately, in no way does justice. The two models shown be superficial and cold and do not fit at all to this story.
Conclusion: "Tell me about love" involves feelings without borders: sadness, Rage, vitality, hope, and much more - and suggests that, for once think about their own lives.
Rating: 5 out of 5 points
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