Title: The Song of the Banshee
author: Janice Nowak
Genre: Young Adult Literature / Urban Fantasy (12 years)
Publisher: PAN (January 2011)
ISBN: 978-3-426-28339-4
Hardcover, 480 pages
Price: 14,99 €
The girl has no idea that their adventure with this revelation is only just beginning. That is they are immersed in a world of myths and legends are in no invention. That they must take along with sirens, water nymphs and men to fight against an ancient creature. And that they will fall in love - in a good friend who suddenly not fit into this new world ...
the author:
Janice Nowak lives in Hamburg and works as a freelance copywriter. She was interested in as a child of mythology, and since then has an extensive knowledge of European and Asian mythology appropriated. This knowledge made them in her first fantasy novel "The Song of the Banshee" feed. The author is already working on a sequel in which they Aileen, above all, Aiko retell history.
After we brought the border crossing behind us, I breathed a sigh of relief. Up here we would have done it before, without being stopped by police or attacked by harpies. But how would the rest of the way? (Page 129)
Aileen is 17 years old, lives in Berlin where it accounts for an apprenticeship as a carpenter. She is secretly in love with her colleague Thomas and her life is in a controlled manner, until one evening she is attacked by a concert by four men. But they can get out of the seemingly hopeless situation by a scream. But that's not all, Aileen is also attacked in her dorm by harpies. Macius, a mysterious man who Aileen already at a subway ride is struck, rescues her. But why are the epics being like the Harpies Aileen behind her and what's up with the Cry, and this melody is that Aileen has often humming to himself?
From Macius, turns out to be Aquarius, she learns the unbelievable: it should be the last Banshee in the world, a banshee, with her song predicts the death of a man and this mourning. In order to deploy their forces properly, will train Macius Aileen and her colleague, Thomas, who falls in with the attack of the Harpies, is one of the party.
Together with the Oni Aiko, and the siren Theme make his way to Warsaw in order to work on their education. Soon it becomes clear that Aileen and her companions got into a fight gods that you can prevent it and just stop. Her arduous journey leads her into the dangerous world of myths and mythical creatures through half of Europe ...
Aileen, the protagonist is the narrator of the novel. To me she's never really been sympathetic, because they behave according to their statements rather flippant, sometimes naive and has a scary big mouth that you do not particularly good. Thomas, her colleague does, however, very pale, and his very worried at first I felt kind Aileen over exaggerated as something. But this trait, fortunately, put something later.
The story itself is exciting, the characters of the legendary figures (Mermen, Sirens, Onis, harpies, Gargoyles, just to name a few) were described interesting. But something would have been less. For my taste cavorting just too many of these mythological beings in the novel, so you got the feeling that Janice Nowak wanted to go grab her complete knowledge of these creatures in this book.
entertaining is "The Song of the Banshee" in any case, must have read it not necessarily. But for the target group aged 12 years, it offers plenty of action, fight scenes and fun moments with a degree in the end. However, a sequel is planned, to include as the protagonist Oni Aiko. A publication date is not yet known.
to design the book: On the cover I like the fall polyphonic tones, the female figure, however, is not quite suitable for me because I would not identify at first glance as a banshee. Very noteworthy, however, are the illustrations in the book: Nina Nowak has done a wonderful job! The individual images to fit the respective text of the page, sometimes full-page, sometimes only as small additions, they are a real feast for the eyes, which supports the story very much.
Rating: 3 out of 5
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