Mille Fleur Blouse
section: Ottobre 01/2008
+ to 4 cm extended
+ tucks instead of ruffles on the front sewn
+ Belt on the pages sewn
this wonderful award I gave Mokinds ! Very many thanks to you!
thank the person who gave you the award and link them to your post. Tell us 7 things about you. Give the award to 15 recently discovered a new blogger. Contact these bloggers and let them know that they have received the award.
So 7 things about me:
first I have mountains of material are here, and create not to process it all ...
second I have to learn to play the piano again someday dream.
third Actually, I would like to draw and paint everything soooo happy again, but simply lack the time!
4th My garden is calling me! I look forward to the spring, when it slowly back off!
5th Although I have an embroidery machine for over a year , I can still digitize still not (and would do it so much!)
6th I just discovered Rilke for me
7th and my passion for photography ...
So, again thank you very much!
But as I recently just had so much time for blogs and therefore may appoint any newly discovered blog may here take any of the award, which would!
dearest greetings
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